Our latest ZenGRC product release continues to deliver improvements designed to simplify management of your compliance program. New capabilities now available in v2.1 include:
Workflow and Task Creation Improvements
A Workflow is a set of tasks, but sometimes you don’t know what the full series of tasks are. Many of our customers have also voiced the desire to create tasks at various points within the process, where the ability didn’t previously exist. Based on this input, we’ve started a renovation of our workflow module to help simplify workflow and task creation.
With v2.1 you can now create tasks from any point in your instance, without having to create an entire workflow and related tasks. You can now create a task while looking at any list of objects.

Going through a set of controls and need to flag a few for review? Simply click on the control object to open the preview modal, then click the ellipsis button, and then “Create task”. The new task creation function also gives you the flexibility to adjust the due date for the task, and have the option of mapping the task to other objects if needed.
Tasks created this way can be moved into an existing workflow or live in your Backlog (One-time workflow), which is a catch-all workflow for ad-hoc tasks that haven’t yet been assigned a frequency (i.e. non-recurring tasks).

With this update to the workflow module, you can also create a task from any object page or add tasks to currently active one-time workflow cycles, so you don’t need to have all the tasks in a workflow defined before it kicks off.
Assessment Recurrence
We are continuing to make Audit improvements, and in v2.1 we’ve added recurrence to our Assessment object. The assessment object is typically used as your workpaper for testing and concluding upon a particular control in scope for the audit.
We recognized that it’s cumbersome to create one-off assessments to review and conclude upon controls when you need to conduct these reviews on a regular basis. Consequently, we’ve added new functionality that automatically re-generates an assessment based on a frequency that you can set and edit. Assessments can now recur:
- Never
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Semi-annually
- Annually
Simply select the recurrence frequency when creating or editing the assessment:
Once the assessment is tested and concluded upon for effectiveness and marked as finished, the verifier receives an email. The verifier can then raise issues (i.e. create Issue objects) or request additional evidence (i.e. create Request objects). When all requests are satisfied, the verifier marks the assessment as verified and it is considered complete.
New Import/Export Buttons
We are constantly evolving ZenGRC to make it as user friendly as possible. With that in mind, v2.1 introduces new import/export buttons. The icon displaying an up arrow into the cloud represents upload (import into ZenGRC). The icon displaying a down arrow into a HDD represents download (get a .csv export onto your computer).
These buttons can be found in the top right corner of any list of objects.
Need help? Contact support@zengrc.com
We’ve simplified the customer support process. Need assistance? You can now send us a note at support@zengrc.com and we will get right back to you. We’re here to help.
As always, please contact us with questions about the new features available in ZenGRC v2.1.